Join us in feeding the homeless of St. Augustine.
We prepackage the meals at the church and pass them out at the designated spot downtown.

Here’s what we do:
The first Friday of every month, we take a hot meal to our homeless friends in the downtown St. Augustine area. After they have eaten, we give them a light breakfast for the next day. Breakfast includes a pastry, banana, granola bar, fruit cup, lollipop and bottled water. We also serve with Home Again on the second Tuesday of each month.
Here’s how you can help:
We need hot food to serve!
You can provide vegetable side dishes and desserts for our guests (approximately 35-40 guests).
Monetary Donations!
If you would like to make a monetary donation, it can be dropped in the offering plate with a designation of Dining with Dignity, or click here to give.
We need breakfast Items!
If you would like to make donations of pastries, bananas, granola bars, fruit cups, lollipops or bottled water, please see Betty Sue York.
For further questions, please call the church at 904-794-7777.