In August 1975, we began to visit a small Baptist church in Jacksonville, Florida. At the time, I was twenty-two years old and searching. I had joined a Baptist church to play on the church softball team. I filled out a card and was baptized, but no one told me about Jesus Christ. After sitting under the sound of the Gospel for three months and seeing genuine Christianity in the life of the pastor, I knew I had found the answer.
On October 3, 1975, the greatest experience that could ever happen to a person happened to me. I prayed to receive Christ as my Savior and Lord. I came repenting of my sins, desiring to live my life for Him. Because of Jesus, I am not what I used to be. In 1978, I surrendered to full-time Christian service and enrolled in school. Upon graduation from Bible College, I served under Dr. Harold Hudson for eighteen months before going to Calvary Baptist Church in St. Augustine, Florida. In 1996, I resigned from Calvary Baptist and began seminary at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (1996 – 2003) in Wake Forest, NC. In 1997, I was called as pastor of Green Pines Baptist Church in Knightdale, NC.
I have been leading short-term-mission trips since 1992 to Ukraine, Pakistan, and Southeast Asia. I have been in full-time Christian ministry and pastored three churches since 1978. I have been the Senior Pastor here at Crescent Beach Baptist since 2003.
I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Sandy, since 1973. We have one daughter, Lauren, who is married to Billy Terrell. We have been blessed with three grandsons: Christian, Liam and Chase, and two granddaughters: Maeleigh, and Madison.






I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii (Dad was in the Marines). I think being born on an island has made me automatically drawn to the water. I prefer the beach, but a lake or river will do as well. I was raised mainly in South Florida. It was there, by God’s divine hand that I heard about Jesus and received Him as Savior and Lord around the 7th grade. I was mentored a little, so only grew a little. As an adult I taught Sunday School mainly Kindergarteners to 3rd graders and was a VBS Director for about 5 years. Which made me laugh because I never went as a child, but God and His support staff made them great years.
In 2004 I moved to St. Augustine. About 3 years in is when I met a strong group of women and really started to grow Spiritually. I love studying God’s Word and prayer time is so important to me. I continued to teach Sunday School and filled in the Ladies class when needed at a previous church. Now, at CBBC, I substitute for the Peace Sunday School Class when needed.
Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama is where I received a Bachelor’s in Deaf Education. After graduations and 3 more months in a sock mill, I received a teaching job. I taught six years in Georgia. For fun, I like walking about downtown St. Augustine and day hikes with friends. I also do various arts ‘n crafts. Nothing fancy.
Favorite Scripture: “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6